Our Story

The Regenerative Arts Development and Learning Center (RAD Center) was created in 2023, when founder and director Ilanna Greenfield was searching for the perfect summer camp for her daughter. As a family living on an off-grid permaculture tiny-farm, it was hard to find programming that aligned with priorities and passions- working closely with the land to grow organic food and creating space to make art from recycled and natural materials. Our first RAD Camp was so successful that we expanded into year-round camp days, and are looking for even more ways to collaborate with local businesses and organizations to support more offerings to serve and create with our community.

Our mission is to encourage creative expression as a way to examine the natural world and bring people closer to their natural world. We want to see the world heal itself using regenerative practices and creative solutions, while deepening our connection to our selves and our environment.

Severl small children use plastic hammers to make impressions of flowers on their papers.
One teacher and several young students among sunflower sprouts

Our team is passionate about playing in the dirt, growing organic food, teaching regenerative arts and traditional crafts, and are always looking for more like minds to join our efforts. If this sounds like you, please reach out about joining our team or supporting our efforts.